If there was ever a post that would test my relationship with Emma, this is it…
Our first date was last year at Garvan Gardens, so we both wanted to go back there at some point. We decided tonight was the night…and so did at least 90,000 other people. We waited in the car 45 minutes to park, and then another 25 minutes to get in the garden. In the end, we had a GREAT time horsing around and walking through the lights. Luckily, I convinced Emma to take some pics of me jowling, and got her to take some too!!! How? NO IDEA, but as I dropped her off, I snagged her SD card. Sneaky? Yes. Worth it? Totally. We were talking and I told her it’d be awesome to get one of both of us. She got embarrassed at the thought of me asking someone to take a pic of it, BUT, sure enough, I asked a guy walking by. And again, totally worth it. ENJOY!
Also, for Christmas/1 Year, she got me a Polaroid 600! The film isn’t made anymore and is super expensive, but we went ahead and took one tonight!
**UPDATE @ 12:26 A.M.
Emma would like for me to add a “normal” picture of us, so here’s us enjoying the evening “normally”